A downloadable game for Windows

Fight your enemies in gladiator-style manner on different maps and try to survive the longest.

Combat demo of a procedurally animated medieval fighting game. Plans are to expand it to become a procedurally generated "dungeon crawler" roguelike game, but for now its mostly just a prototype of the combat system


- ESC - pause
- LEFT, RIGHT ARROWS - move left, right
- hold UP ARROW - use different weapon stance
- X - interact (open doors, pick up items, open chests, switch levers)
- DOWN ARROW + X - drop item
- DOWN ARROW - roll
- SPACE - primary attack
- Z - secondary attack

All Controls can be changed in the options


fighting_game_demo_v0.41.zip 35 MB
self_compiling_fighting_game_demo_v0.41.zip 38 MB

Install instructions

  • Download and unzip the archive, then run 'DEMO.exe' executable.
  • Controls are explained in 'README.txt' (or just play the tutorial)
  • You may get an anti-virus warning (this happens to pretty much all games bundled  with pyinstaller)
  • IF YOU GET AN ANTI-VIRUS WARN you can try to download the 'self_compiling_fighting_game_demo_v0.4' file instead of normal one to avoid getting it and the "README.txt" file there explains how to open the game

Development log


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This is awesome! My only nitpick is that item selection feels a bit inconvenient, but other than that, it's really incredible!